

commerce finds a way

Reminds me of when we played street hockey in the neighborhood. Same principle.

via Street Use

which is the lesser evil?

It's the next step really
Rule 1 and 2 prevent me from saying where I found it, keke





those mighty underground duellists

The quickest way to kill a lobster may be to insert a knife into its head and cleave the head in two, thereby destroying two of the most important nerve clusters of the lobster. Some feel that this is more humane than placing the live lobster into boiling water.


I lol'd

Video below.


My alignment is Raynor-Batman

Do you know of the Chaotic/Lawful - Evil/Good alignment system? This one is better. It doesn't deal with intention though, just the method. Works like:

Batman - Doesn't kill people (though obviously he still badass)
HK-47 - First reaction: to kill meatbags
Raynor - Surrounded by death, his girlfriend got zerged, Raynor still just chills.
Samson - Would beat your face in just work out the tension in his wrists.
Taft - Just gets shit done



Hoodie Dude

Just something I did in Inkscape. I'm having a lot of fun with the program.
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By chill4 at 2007-07-09


Oh it's very clear what he is saying

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I suppose I always thought wizards were pretty cool

So I made myself a "spellbook" but updated with the new magic symbol of the asterisk.

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By chill4, shot with DSC-P41. at 1969-12-31


Photo Realistic Master of Orion

I mentioned in my main blog my love for Master of Orion. I also like pictures of burning balls of gas burning billions of miles away.

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The Premier

I picked a random picture that I had around to start off.


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